Miss Lulu Bett_peliplat
Miss Lulu Bett_peliplat

Miss Lulu Bett (1921)

Not Rated (US) | USA | None | 71 min
Directed by: William C. de Mille

Wlliam deMille produced and directed "Miss Lulu Bett," a film of extraordinary conviction and insight. It was then often the custom for unmarried women to lodge with family; thus we discover Miss Lulu in a boring Midwestern town, an exploited household drudge for her sister and overbearing brother-in-law. In the course of the story (based upon the Pulitzer Prize play and novel by Zona Gale), Lulu evolves from slavery into an attractive and self-assured woman prepared to make her own life. Revealed through wonderful performances and clever use of props, the characters are extraordinarily solid and involving.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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