Danger! Women at Work_peliplat

Danger! Women at Work (1943)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 59 min
Directed by: Sam Newfield

Helpin the war effort, three girl pals are doing men's work. Pert (Patsy Kelly) is driving a taxicab, Terry (Mary Brian) and Maxine (Isabel Jewell) are gas station attendants. Pert gets a letter from a lawyer that her Uncle Joe had died and left her his Glendale estate,consisting of a broken-down two-room bungalow and a ten-ton truck. Terry and Marie rib Pert, saying that Uncle Joe might better have left her a useful gift, such as twenty bucks in cash. Terry and Pert have boyfriends who are truck drivers who can give them advice about the truck. Pete (Warren Hymer) and Danny (Jack Randall) advise the girls to go into the trucking business as truck are in demand. Patsy learns to drive the truck, but in doing so causes the Policeman (Charles King) assigned to her to go into a nervous breakdown before she secures her license. The boys than introduce the girls to the trucking boss for when they work. He agrees to pay then $100.00 if they will bring five tons of magnesium from Las Vegas. Federal regulations require them to take a load of some sorts from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, as trucks can't travel empty on the highways. They advertise, and get in touch with a gang of gamblers who want their gambling paraphernalia transported to Las Vegas. Meanwhile, a finance company threatens to seize the truck for two payments that Pert's dearly-departed Uncle Joe failed to make before he departed. They succeed in getting away before the finance company takes over the truck, but a writ of attachment is taken out. and a highway motorcycle cop is in hot pursuit. On the trip to Las Vegas, they pick up several hitch-hikers. They are Madame Sapho (Betty Compson), a crystal gazer; Regina (Conia Wright Sr.) a society woman who is suffering from amnesia , and imagines the interior of the truck trailer is her drawing room. They also help Doris Bendix (Wanda McKay), daughter of a millionaire, to marry Tommy (Michale Kirk). the boy of her choice rather than the man selected by her father. The last scene is in a country court-room in Nevada where all differences are adjusted with the law, the finance company and the gamblers and their outfit. There is a triple wedding ceremony , uniting Pert and Pete, Terry and Danny Danny and Doris and Tommy. Never pass up a hitch-hiker.

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Danger! Women at Work
(Original title)
Danger! Women at Work
Danger! Women at Work
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes