Ich hab' mich so an Dich gewöhnt_peliplat
Ich hab' mich so an Dich gewöhnt_peliplat

Ich hab' mich so an Dich gewöhnt (1952)

12 (XWG) | Austria | German | 97 min
Directed by: Eduard von Borsody

Christl's aunt urges her to marry Dr. Heider. Although she hardly knows him, Christl accepts - mainly to escape her overprotective aunt. But since she doesn't want to live with her new husband, she switches roles with her self-assured twin sister Annelie, who promises to get rid of him in just a week. Meanwhile Christl substitutes her in her job as secretary of a componist. Of course both get into their roles and start to like their exchanged men...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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