How I Spent My Summer Vacation_peliplat
How I Spent My Summer Vacation_peliplat

How I Spent My Summer Vacation (1967)

Approved (US) | USA | English | 100 min
Directed by: William Hale

American Jack Washington is hiding in Paris under an assumed name. He also sports a beard to hide his facial traits. One day he finds a job ad in the local paper. The agency interviewing him is a front for a secret organization hired to find him. At the job interview, the interviewers guess his real identity and tell him that he is accepted for the post. The job itself is that of a male companion for billionaire Lewis Gannet who lives in a castle in the Alps at the Swiss-Italian border. Jack is taken there by helicopter and is uneasy about his employer's abode which looks like a fortress, complete with armed uniformed guards, guard dogs and hi-tech security. Lewis Gannet recognizes that his new hire is in fact Jack Washington and invites him to a briefing room where he requests that Jack tells him the whole story of how Jack got involved with the family of millionaire Ned Pine. Jack Washington starts reminiscing about how he used to date Nikki Pine, the spoiled daughter of the rich Pine family. Her family never approved of Jack, who was poor, awkward, lacking social skills, on top of lacking sporting abilities and professional ambitions. Nikki eventually married another man. Years later, Jack moved to Paris and there he bumped into his old flame, Nikki. By this time, Nikki was divorced and free. She invites Jack on her parents' mega-yacht, moored in Monte-Carlo, to spend the whole summer with the Pine family. Although many years have passed since Jack was dating their daughter Nikki, the Pines waste no opportunity to humiliate their guest and to remind their daughter what a looser Jack is. The father especially, Ned Pine, who happens to be a very passionate and avid sports fanatic, constantly challenges Jack to a myriad of different games and sports available right there on the courts built aboard the huge yacht. Jack obliges but he always fails to defeat Mr. Pine who cannot stand to loose any game, especially when playing against Jack. But, during his stay on the yacht with the Pine family, Jack discovers strange facts about the family and about the real purpose of the cruise on the Mediterranean Sea. Suspecting that crime is involved, Jack starts documenting the daily facts into a journal he keeps in secret, where he attaches photos he daily takes on the yacht, sketches and drawings he makes, maps, bits and pieces of information he obtains through eavesdropping or by interrogating the yacht's crew and servants. What will he discover ?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
(theatrical release)
West Germany
(theatrical release)
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
(Original title)
Roleta Russa
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Canada (English title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes