Don't Fall in Love on a Saturday_peliplat
Don't Fall in Love on a Saturday_peliplat

Don't Fall in Love on a Saturday (1962)

K (GR) | Greece | Greek | 93 min
Directed by: Vasilis Georgiadis

Of all people, the streetwise investment broker, Spiros, has been tricked into accepting a counterfeit $100 bill by the statuesque stranger and extremely competent con woman, Vicky. Now, Spiros has got a lot of explaining to do--especially to the police--and as if that weren't enough, he finds himself dragged into a downward spiral of lies and deceit by a ruthless ring of counterfeiters. However, instead of turning Vicky in to the police, Spiros gradually falls head over heels in love with the charming swindler, against all logic. Is there a future between them?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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