Chaos Theory_peliplat

Chaos Theory (2000)

None | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Edward Vilga

Arriving in Manhattan, the kids talk about their plans for the day in New York. Ally - our gear girl - has been filming her friends with her new DV video camera. Soon, however, the friendly banter is disrupted by a fender bender that sets our story in motion. Getting out of the mini-bus, their teacher Ms. Pickwick inspects the scene. Immediately, Ally's backpack is stolen - the bag containing her new DV camera and Play Station. Ally disregards Ms. Pickwick's instructions and takes off after the thief. Ms. Pickwick heads off to call the police, insisting that the kids wait for her return. Inspired by Jason's activist position ("We've got to get involved"), however, the kids take matters into their own hands. Following a few stray clues left behind by the thief, they zig zag through Manhattan. After a few wrong turns, they manage to trace Ally and the thief to the set of a music video in the process of filming. Reunited with Ally, the kids manage to trap the thieves and save the music video performers. It turns out that Ally had gotten one of the advanced prototypes of a new DV camera by mistake, a camera which the thieves were determined to steal for themselves. Once things have settled down Ally and Jason, Daisy and Rob, Donny and Julia also get to share a bit more about their real feelings for each other, feelings brought out by their wild Manhattan adventure-ride. Finally able to speak a bit from the heart, the kids bond with the music video performers about the excitement of coming to New York City.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Chaos Theory
(Original title)
Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes