First Rank_peliplat

First Rank (1990)

PG (GB) | India | Hindi | 150 min
Directed by: Dev Anand

Three match series with Australia : India has already lost two matches.The selection committee lead by president Vicky Singh take up a meeting regarding the changes to be made for the final one day match.Ronnie younger brother of Vicky and star batsman of the team is currently out of form and surrounding with controversies on and off field.Vicky decides to drop Ronnie for the upcoming match and chooses youngster Sunny over him which does not go well with Ronnie as he believes no one can replace him.A terrorist organization creates havoc in the city by putting posters allover that during the final match they will blast the stadium.Vicky who was the former chief police officer is asked to report back on duty on priority basis. He finds a lead that a cabaret dancer name Maria whom he had arrested in past is leading the organization and that city's top businessman Sundaram and pitch curator Kondy and Mani are also part of the plan.But what's more shocking is that Ronnie is also part of the plan as he cant take humiliation of being left out of the team and has the main remote control of the bomb planted in stadium.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
First Rank
(Original title)
O Doce Sabor da Vitória
Awwal Number
India (Hindi title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes