L'étrange aventure_peliplat
L'étrange aventure_peliplat

L'étrange aventure (1924)

None | France | None, French |
Directed by: Robert Saidreau

Suzanne, on the eve of her honeymoon,scandalizes her guest by kissing a man in a restaurant whom she recognizes as a wounded that she had nursed in the past. Since the trip is not very well organized, the chosen hotel is fully booked and only when Suzanne makes a scandal are they given a room. Her husband thinks her wife is unladylike and wants to play a trick on her where he would appear as the hero and a friend would play a thief. Suzanne and her maid overhear the plot and the latter, accustomed to seedy places, will help ruin the plan. But a real Apache replaces the fake one...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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