The Dark Side of Our Inner Space_peliplat

The Dark Side of Our Inner Space (2003)

16 (DE) | Germany | German | 98 min
Directed by: Roland Reber

"I want to get to know the dark sides in us humans because these dark places are alive. They are life." What is reality? What is game? Where are the boundaries? When does one turn into the other? Tanja (Mira Gittner), Jessie (Marina Anna Eich), Anna (Sabine Krappweis), Marcus (Christoph Baumann) and Kai (Manfred Gebauer) go into a sealed off abandoned barrack to play the "Big Game" - a game aside any social norms or boundaries. "In the time outside you have been bent by social rules. Here in the Barracks of freedom there are no rules. If you need some, create them..." Each protagonist has his own game, his own version , to get advantage over the other : Jessie tries through sexual seduction, Anna through exercising power, Marcus by enacting rules, Tanja by keeping out of everything. Kai is the weakest link in the group and becomes everyone's victim. Searching the "Big Game" they embroil more and more into the interpersonal games and are slowly being drawn into the perfidious alcoves of their "inner spaces". What began as a harmless game, ends in a too real tragedy. The Dark Side of our Inner Space is a metaphor for the "Big Game" we call life. A study of the dark sides of our souls. " I didn't give them rules. They could have created ones themselves. They could have spent a beautiful, adventurous, joyful time here. But they've chosen fight, intrigues and finally death."

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Calcutta Film Festival)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Dark Side of Our Inner Space
(Original title)
The Dark Side of Our Inner Space
The Dark Side of Our Inner Space
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes