The Reunion_peliplat

The Reunion (1977)

PG (US) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Mike Talbot

Mike Comoy is preparing for his 10 year high school reunion. Unhappy with his job, he hopes the party will return some of the spark to his life. His wive tries to get him to face reality, but instead he slips into a dream sequence by flashing back to Brea Olinda High School at the beginning of his senior year. It's a beautiful time. There are plenty of orange groves left and the beach is just a quick drive away in a Woody Wagon. Comoy moves into town, makes friends quickly, becomes the top halfback on the football team, the star guard on the basketball squad and finally the best baseball player in school. If that isn't enough, he wins the heart of the richest, prettiest cheerleader in school and becomes one of the five pranksters who keep the school hopping. These five seniors join in a pact to make their final year their best ever, by executing several pranks throughout the year. They tar and feather the stone eagle above the front door of the school, and make a manger of the hallway during Christmas vacation by tying a cow in the foyer. Although everyone else (excluding the principal) gets a big charge out of the pranks, Comoy's girl thinks they're childish and jilts him after the and his friends get caught filling the principal's office with snow. Comoy's bursts into tears as he tells his stunned best friend that his romance is over. But our hero need not despair about terminated romance. His voluptuous neighbor just happens to be outside when he gets home. She tells him not to worry, then leads him into her garage and allays his hard feelings.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Orange County, California)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Reunion
(Original title)
The Reunion
The Reunion
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes