I've Met the Devil_peliplat
I've Met the Devil_peliplat

I've Met the Devil (2005)

None | Australia | English | 9 min
Directed by: Luke Wright

With his tool of fate, the Devil changes the lives of seven people. By throwing a lit cigarette off an ordinary city building rooftop on an average weekday morning, he starts a chain of events that draws together a group of people who have more in common than it first appears. Linking their lives through coincidence and murder, the Devil's presence works its way through each person, causing them to act out against their usual natures. The series of events ultimately leads to an appalling climax where the trail of intended devastation reveals the true motivation behind the Devil's actions. I've Met The Devil, a nine-minute drama with a slightly experimental nature, takes a few minutes out of the routines of everyday inhabitants in a normal unidentifiable city, exploring the ideas of coincidence and fate, good and evil and the unpredictability of human nature.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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