Leave It to Chance_peliplat

Leave It to Chance (2005)

None | USA | English | 100 min
Directed by: Bernard Badion

Charlie Vallejo is a mild-mannered, 20 year old Filipino American, going through something that most college aged students often go through, a break in relationship. Almost like a black hole in dating, the breakee doesn't really know where the couple stands. Break, time-off, space, or whatever you call it, that's what Kailin Villa Cruz, tells Charlie she wants right now. So does Charlie just give up and move on? Well he goes hermit style for awhile, but his life is reawakened when he goes back to his hometown, Sunnyvale, for Christmas break and finds his best friend, Lewis Tran, at his door. The Vietnamese kid with a plan for every situation doesn't make any exceptions here, as he tells Charlie that it's time to go. Parties, poker, basketball, and just kickin' it with the crew get Charlie back into gear. In comes Jesse De Los Santos, a girl that Lewis refers to as, hot sizzle. This isn't your everyday girl next door. She knows what she wants and right now, that's Charlie. At the same time, Kailin is told straight up by Crstine Pena, her close friend, that breaks are nothing more, but a coward way of ending a relationship. Always very protective of Kailin, Crstine lays down the facts cold and doesn't hold back on being blunt about every situation. The crossroads that the two faces is one that is glazed over by uncertainty, despair, and misunderstanding, but underneath all that lies the chance of coming back together.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Chicago Filipino American Film Festival)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Leave It to Chance
(Original title)
Leave It to Chance
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes