Harold showers, but we don't see anything below the torso. However, Kumar, who's seated on the toilet, comments on Harold's "nice pubes." We later see Harold shirtless.
About a movie he's watching on the plane, Kumar tells Harold, "This chick is giving me such a boner." Moments later, while Harold is urinating in bathroom, Kumar joins him and puts his hand down inside the front of his own pants. Harold adamantly tells Kumar the latter is not joining the mile high club, but Kumar is just retrieving his bong.
About having an inbred son, a hunter says he and his wife are siblings, but that doesn't prevent them "from getting it on."
Kumar jokes that there are probably at least two uncircumcised "d*cks" dangling in front of Maria's face, and then he then makes all sorts of exaggerated female to male oral sex gestures and sounds.
In a forced confession of sorts, Kumar says that he put Harold's toothbrush down into his pants and on his "d*ck."
Neil talks about his past love who had nipples like Hershey Kisses that he wanted to suck on all night long. He says that when he now sees such candy, his "balls" get wet, but he adds that he likes having hot sex with random tramps.
We see an old photo of Vanessa and Kumar, with her holding up large melons (or something similar) in front of her clothed chest, and him doing a mock, near licking of them.
Kumar wears a t-shirt showing the silhouette of a woman (crisscrossed with parts of the Confederate flag) who's on all fours, with the wording saying "Confederate Style."
A man says that he rubbed another man's toothbrush on his pubic hair.
In one scene there is a bottomless party. We see a close up of a woman's butt and pubic hair strip (no vulva shown) and then about 20 other women who are also naked from the waist down with their butt shown. Their genitals are covered by pubic hair and obscured by lighting, mostly in background shots. The scene is played for humor, and lasts about 3 and a half minutes.
A man gets out of a pool bottomless. The tip of his penis is clearly shown amongst his large, bushy amount of wet pubic hair. The shot of it is held a couple of seconds longer in the Unrated version.
A few women are seen topless throughout the movie.
A dream threesome sex scene with Kumar, Vanessa, and a giant bag of marijuana. Vanessa(in a bra and underwear) puts her hand in the bag's "vagina". She then puts a glove on, makes a fist, and inserts the fist in the giant bag's "rectum".
At a sex trafficking house, two women are shown topless kissing. (In the unrated version, Kumar masturbates --under a sheet) while watching them. We see a woman's bare butt in a thong with the initials NPH burned into it.
Kumar packs a porno magazine that has vagina in the title and a partially nude woman on the cover, but we then see him masturbating with that (hand movement under the covers, followed by ejaculate hitting his face).
Harold and Kumar are nearly forced to perform oral sex known as the Cockmeat Sandwich on Big Bob. The guard has his pants down, and you can see his bare butt. A second prison guard receives oral sex from two other prison inmates, one of whom bites the guard's member off-screen; we can hear a crunching sound and cries of pain. The duo then defeats two guards. This gives Harold and Kumar enough time to escape the cell.
An actress in the bordello scene has such oversized breast implants that each breast is literally larger than her head. They are barely, barely covered by her string bikini top. They are prosthetic or the result of a CGI effect.
A male character masturbates (not directly shown, but the act is completely obvious) to orgasm. In the unrated version, he ejaculates copiously onto a TV screen--we see the 'sperm' squirting all over but the masturbation that causes this is not shown directly.