Lindsay Lohan's Celebrity Spring Break Style_peliplat

Lindsay Lohan's Celebrity Spring Break Style (2005)

None | USA | English | 60 min
Directed by: Gina Glickman

MTV SPRINGBREAK 2005: Lindsay Lohan's Celebrity Spring Break Style Whether you're a college co-ed or an A-List celebrity, MTV Spring Break is the ultimate party destination. Famous folks like 50 Cent and Carmen Electra show off their Spring Break style in a big way with grand entrances, couture beach wear and over-the-top antics. But where does that leave the average Spring Breaker who wants style that shines like a superstar's? In Celebrity Spring Break Style, Lindsay Lohan tours the most unforgettable moments from past Spring Breaks to show the common partier how to dress and impress with the flair of the famous. And, since fans without celebrity-sized budgets may not be able to hit Cancun's Spring Break, Lindsay Lohan and MTV are bringing all the mayhem-and the style scoop-to you in a poolside bash in New York City. This half-hour show breaks down top Spring Break looks for the masses and who better to take us through it than Lindsay Lohan, who is both a celebrity and a Spring Breaker? While DJ Chef hooks up the beats and the barbecue, Lindsay mingles with her pool party guests and reveals how celebrities achieve their superb style and how you can do it yourself with today's hottest must-haves. Nevertheless, Lindsay gives a little time to the "must-nots" in her Celebrity Style Dos and Don'ts. Throughout, Lindsay Lohan's Celebrity Spring Break Style stretches the traditional meaning of the word style to include the outrageous elements and "accessories" that make Spring Break so visually delicious. From arriving at Spring Break like an icon (parachuting into Cancun or rolling in stretch Hummer), to presenting yourself at the beach (bikinis and men's wear) to wowing them at night (party gear)- Lindsay Lohan's Celebrity Spring Break Style shows the average viewer how to make a superstar impression at Spring Break.

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Lindsay Lohan's Celebrity Spring Break Style
(Original title)
Lindsay Lohan's Celebrity Spring Break Style
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes