Mein Weg zu Dir_peliplat

Mein Weg zu Dir (2003)

None | Germany | German | 90 min
Directed by: Olaf Kreinsen

Actually, for the 30-year-old lawyer Dr. Everything is fine for Lena Seidel: She has a responsible job as a legal advisor in the Federal Ministry of Transport in Berlin and a good-looking, successful boyfriend with whom she wants to get engaged soon. So it doesn't suit Lena at all that the undersecretary Grabow sends her on a business trip to the provinces: she is supposed to convince the stubborn residents of the wine-growing village of Hilleritz of the advantages of a long-planned motorway connection. To make matters worse, on her way to the East German provinces, the unnerved career woman collides with a tractor because the winegrower Steffen Vogt brakes for an injured bird. At first, Lena is beside herself with anger. But she somehow likes the taciturn winemaker. Lena has no idea that Steffen and his father Gottfried are the toughest opponents of the route. Arriving in Hilleritz, "the townswoman" is received anything but warmly. A cat-and-mouse game begins between the shrewd local councilor Gottfried Vogt and the shrewd legal adviser. In order to throw Lena off course, Vogt puts his son Steffen on her. Through the romantic outdoorsman, the cool lawyer gets to know the loveliest corners of the idyllic area: lush meadows, dense forests and unspoilt nature as far as the eye can see. Lena slowly begins to doubt the sense of the Autobahn route. However, she not only falls in love with the beautiful area, but also with Steffen. After a night of love with him, Lena is torn between heart and mind. Although her boyfriend Markus and her overbearing boss are already waiting for her in Berlin, she stays in Hilleritz until the annual wine festival. When Markus suddenly shows up at the boisterous celebration, events take a sudden turn.

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Mein Weg zu Dir
(Original title)
Mein Weg zu Dir
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes