People are shot by 'heat rays'. When they are zapped they turn into a turned into a bloody skeleton.
A man's dead body is found. His chest is cut open. It's at night, so you dont see much.
A man gets a bloody nose.
A car is seen with the windshield splattered with blood. It's actually not to graphic.
A man's body is split in half (off screen). We see the upper torso, and the man is still alive, writhering in pain.
Two people are eaten by aliens (off screen)
A man is found dead in a tree. No gore or blood.
Two small skeletons are found on the ground. We later find out that they were children 'zapped' by the aliens.
A man suffocates on toxic gas from the aliens.
A man is seen being eaten by aliens. Somewhat graphic.
A young boy is seen being pinned down to the ground as he is eaten by aliens. Graphic.
A man's face melts off. It melts on to his shirt and we later see him as a skeleton, rotting. Very graphic.
A semi-truck is seen flying through a house, with a dead bloody courpse hanging out the passengers window.
A man is shot in the head. Blood splats on another mans face.
A man is hit in the head with a rock. We see the rock splattered in blood.
A dead man is seen hanging out of a building.