Hallmark Hall of Fame: Dream Girl (#5.3)_peliplat
Hallmark Hall of Fame: Dream Girl (#5.3)_peliplat

Hallmark Hall of Fame: Dream Girl (#5.3) (1955)

None | English | 90 min
Directed by: George Schaefer

Adaptation of the stage play of the same name by Elmer Rice, about a frequently daydreaming woman and her love life. Georgina Allerton, a young bookstore cashier and aspiring novelist, awakens one morning to prepare for work, lamenting that she is in love with her brother-in-law Jim. While taking a shower she imagines herself to be the guest of a radio psychiatry show, talking about her problems; Jim married her sister Miriam two years ago, and she has never told him about her feelings towards him. She has just started dating another man, George Hand, who has ardently pursued her despite being married himself, and she has tried to forget about Jim. Miriam tells Georgina that she is pregnant, and Georgina congratulates her; Miriam reports that Jim does not know about it yet, and she is quite upset at the matter. While alone, Georgina has a daydream about giving birth to twins, with her parents serving the roles of hospital staff and Jim as her husband. In her dream, Miriam attempts to take the children but is repudiated by Jim, who says that there is "no real marriage" between them. She interrupts her own daydream in order to rush off to work. Georgina has a series of daydreams involving family and friends throughout the rest of the play.

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Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Dream Girl
(Original title)
Hallmark Hall of Fame: Dream Girl (#5.3)
USA (anthology series)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes