Last Call_peliplat

Last Call (2008)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 94 min
Directed by: Steven Tanenbaum

Last Call is a snapshot of a night out in the big city. The eye of the camera moves through a collection of humorous and horrible moments between friends, lovers, relatives, colleagues, and total strangers, and then slows down to capture a moment that could alter the life of one of the characters forever. In a NYC dive bar over the course of one night, Last Call follows two different groups of people: A theatre director and his ensemble of young "nobody" actors, regulars at this bar, whose off-off-off-Broadway play closed tonight; and the owner of a small business, her brother, and her two employees, whose bankrupt business also closed tonight. All of them are at the bar to get drunk. Last Call opens at the end of what has clearly been an inebriated night. As Steven, the wheelchair-bound theatre director, rolls himself toward the door, his Life Chronometer, a "device" that indicates how much time he has left to live down to the second, comes out of his chest flashing. Time is running out for Steven. But just before his Chronometer hits zero, the scene fades, and we travel back to the beginning of the night. As the film pushes forward, its tempo set by a jukebox in the middle of the bar, we encounter relationships damaged beyond repair, people struggling to face their issues, and individuals trying to establish a connection. Mitch and Lali will stumble to come to terms with the end of their romance. Pete and Carrie will finally address the one issue that is driving them apart. Jay will work up the courage to talk to Lucy. And Holly will decide whether or not to give her ex-husband one more chance. Throughout the night, the Bartender-a single mom and former musician who was always one gig away from a record deal-treats the cast to double shots of Old Grand Dad and dispenses advice. As the place clears out, she volunteers to make sure the drunken director makes it home in one piece, bringing us back to where we began. To that moment when her seemingly random action may save his life... Last Call is about that sense of loneliness and vulnerability that one can feel even in a crowded bar in the most crowded city in the world. It is about people getting drunk and trying to escape issues in their lives. But reality chases them down, and inebriation only magnifies their struggle to connect.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
(Beloit International Film Festival)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Last Call
(Original title)
Last Call
Coming Soon...
USA (working title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes