Terror's Advocate_peliplat
Terror's Advocate_peliplat
Play trailer

Terror's Advocate (2007)

Unrated (US) | France | French, German, English, Khmer | 135 min
Directed by: Barbet Schroeder

An examination of the career of Jacques Vergès, attorney for members of Algeria's FLN, Palestine's FPLP, the Khmer Rouge, Carlos and associates, Klaus Barbie, and other revolutionaries and outcasts. Archival footage, news articles, and photographs mix with contemporary interviews of Vergès, friends, associates, and historians. Connections with Nazis are explored, as well as Vergès's marriage to Djamila Bouhared, his courtroom methods, his disappearance from 1970 to 1978, and the roots of his radicalism. Throughout, Vergès remains playful and charming, with a soupçon of arrogance. The film suggests Vergès's anti-colonial nature is at his center.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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