And So Life Goes On_peliplat

And So Life Goes On (2007)

None | USA | English | 81 min
Directed by: Claudine Liss

Josephine Magalucci, a young lawyer, has it all brains, beauty, a great job at a law firm in New York City and an adorable boyfriend, Dan, who so wants to marry her. However, Josephine is bored to tears at every turn. Her aspirations for an exciting life creating stories, acting in theatre and making movies was abruptly squashed several years ago by her ever controlling pain in the ass mother, Ro. Matters only get worse for Josephine when she takes a leave of absence from her big city law job, and returns home to New Jersey to assist her ill nutty father, Morty, at his New Jersey law office. The leave of absence allows Morty, a work horse, to catch his breath. Josephine is secretly relieved to leave the monotony of her NYC law job. The excitement quickly ends, when she finds out her father has hired Louie, a family friend and young slick Jersey lawyer, to work with her. Josephine is reunited in Jersey with her endearing and comical best friend, Francesca, who is suffering through the pain of seeing her ex-fiancé marry another woman. Rebecca, Josephine's nuisance of a cousin, must decide whether to marry rich, successful womanizing Steve, after she learns of his latest antics. Keeping the blinders on will satisfy Rebecca's insecure, materialistic mother, Zeta, and a family cycle of cheating in marriage will continue. Josephine begins to question her love life, when she is confronted with the poison apple, Rich, a crush from her younger years, who is now a local doctor. Josephine, Rebecca, and Francesca are guided on life and love by streetwise Roxy, Morty's secretary of 20 plus years. Morty's illness sparks change all around for this group of Jersey locals.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Montclair International Film Festival)
(Hoboken International Film Festival)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
And So Life Goes On
(Original title)
And So Life Goes On
And So Life Goes On
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes