American Idol: Unauthorized_peliplat

American Idol: Unauthorized (2007)

None | USA | English | 240 min
Directed by: Michael Bouson

American Idol: Unauthorized What makes American Idol the unstoppable NUMBER ONE television show season after season? Why do most Americans admit to being addicted to this guilty pleasure? And why do America's young artists subject themselves to the scrutiny of three judges and millions of telephone voters? American Idol: Unauthorized reveals all this and much much more... Kelly, Ruben, Clay, Fantasia, Carrie, Bo, Ryan, Paula, Randy and don't forget Simon have become household names; but how did the creators of American Idol transform a simple talent show into the most successful television program of all time? American Idol: Unauthorized provides fans with an up-close and personal look at the dynamic cast of personalities that made the show a run-away hit from the start. Step backstage with American Idol: Unauthorized and witness the power of the star making machine: get firsthand accounts of the nail-biting audition process, the rigorous taping schedule, sold out concerts, the fortune and the price of fame. American Idol: Unauthorized also examines life after American Idol by interviewing some of the shows most unforgettable AND forgettable contestants. How has American Idol helped their careers? How has it hurt? And what does the future hold in store for them? Candid interviews, expert commentary and die hard fan testimonials laced with good old-fashioned juicy gossip make this one behind the scenes expose not to miss! American Idol: Unauthorized It's un-official, un-relenting and un-affiliated with the show so you know you're getting the un-adulterated un-told story! American Idol: Unauthorized is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Fox Television Network, 19 TV or Fremantle Media North America

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
American Idol: Unauthorized
(Original title)
American Idol: Unauthorized
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes