The Blindness of Innocence_peliplat

The Blindness of Innocence (1914)

None | France | None, French |

Fougeray, a railroad employee and his wife, are celebrating on the same day the engagements of their two children, their son, Peter, and their daughter, Louise. Louise is engaged to Jean Leroy, who is also employed by the same railroad, and in his leisure hours gives much time to inventions. One day when Louise is carrying breakfast to her father she walks along the tracks and is at the point of being run over by the express train when she is saved by Henry de Lachesnayes. With intrigue, vain promises and a mock marriage, Henry succeeds in making her forget her fiancé. One day she is obliged to confess to her parents that she is unable to marry Jean Leroy because she is to become a mother. A few days later, Louise learns that Henry is going to marry a rich American girl, Miss Simpson. She is stunned, leaves the home of her parents, and goes to the church, where she comes face to face with Jean Leroy, who has been following her for many days. He now learns why Louise refused to become his wife. Jean goes to the house of the Countess Marsanges, and seeks an interview with Henry de Lachesnayes, whom he reproaches for his conduct. As Jean does not want to leave the house without a reply, Henry threatens him with his revolver. The Countess in trying to disarm her brother, accidentally kills him and then accuses Jean of having committed the murder, who. in spite of his denials, is condemned to ten years' imprisonment. Five years elapse. Louise has a son, but she and her parents struggle on. There is scarcely any bread in the house. The three of them decide to die and take advantage of the occasion when their son, Peter, his wife and children, take out little Albert to put their plan into execution. The unhappy ones are about to succumb when Louise's son returns and saves his mother and grandparents. The Countess Marsanges is on the point of being arrested for having taken a large amount of money from the treasury of the home, when under the weight of threatening danger and remorse over the committed crime, she informs the commissioner of police that she is the real murderer of her brother. Jean Leroy is set free and awaits his rehabilitation. The young man goes again to the house of the Fougerays and will marry Louise, whom he has never ceased to love, in spite of her error, and is willing to recognize little Albert as his son. As good fortune usually reigns on all sides, Jean Leroy receives the following letter: "Dear Sir, From the papers I have learned that you are innocent man and will soon be rehabilitated. I hasten to inform you that your invention of which I have the drawings has been patented and offer you 100,000 francs for same. Signed. G. Arnel, Chief Engineer."

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Blindness of Innocence
(Original title)
Fille-mère ou l'Abandonnée
France (alternative title)
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