Zwerg Nase_peliplat

Zwerg Nase (2008)

6 (DE) | Germany | German | 88 min
Directed by: Felicitas Darschin

Ten-year-old Jakob, a handsome, dreamy, sheltered boy, prefers to help his mother at her vegetable stall at the market instead of helping his father in the shoemaker's workshop. One day an ugly old woman appears there, whose behavior Jacob looks at both critically and fearfully. It is the fairy herb white who lures the boy away from his parents with a ruse - and into their house. This is where a seven-year hard apprenticeship begins for him, which leads him into the witch's kitchen in several stages. Under the strict guidance of the fairy, Jakob ultimately develops into a true master of the art of cooking.When he wakes up from his supposed dream and can finally escape, Jakob sees himself transformed into a misshapen dwarf with a long nose. Repelled in horror by his parents, who do not recognize him, and mocked by his fellow citizens because of his appearance, the unfortunate man finally arrives at Duke Alois' court. He was enthusiastic about Jacob's cooking skills and accepted him into his service. Henceforth he is called "dwarf nose" and for the first time since his transformation he has received professional recognition. As a person, however, he remains a lonely outsider. Only when he meets Mimi, a young girl who has been transformed into a goose, is there a being with whom he is can speak openly about his fate. New mischief brews when the demanding Countess Wilhelmine comes to visit. Duke Alois wants to persuade his beloved to marry and dwarf nose should seduce her with his culinary art. When the lady asks of all things a pie whose recipe Jakob does not know, the master chef's life is in danger. Fortunately, Mimi, who is also enchanted, has advice.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Zwerg Nase
(Original title)
O Nosáčkovi
Czech Republic
Zwerg Nase
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes