See Saw_peliplat
See Saw_peliplat

See Saw (2011)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Tom Muschamp

An alluring young woman, Katherine Hunter, seemingly lives an illustrious life, yet boredom and sadness consume her. She finally finds excitement in a new career working for the private detective, Rick Sawtelle. Under his employ, she must cunningly lure information from clients. One of her assignments is Graham Goodman, a journalist who's working on the biggest story of his career. But when he shows her the key to his investigation, has she seen too much? Awoken by thugs in the middle of the night, Katherine experiences a horrific attempt on her life. Her body is left for dead in the middle of the Atlantic. Washing up on the Hamptons shore, Katherine is certain of only one thing: she has no memory of her previous life. Desperate to repaint her past, Katherine utilizes the eyes and ears of Manhattan's surveillance camera network. Upon discovering the death of journalist Graham Goodman, Katherine realizes that she has no one left to trust. Teaming up with Graham Goodman's brother Mitch, Katherine must convince the world of her innocence, while experiencing danger at every turn. Was Katherine responsible for Graham's death? Is she being manipulated by Mitch, Sawtelle or both? Will she discover the truth about who she was? Set on the pristine shoreline of the Hamptons, and taking a roller coaster ride through the historic sights of Manhattan, See Saw is an unexpected thriller and the poignant story of one woman's determination to become a better person.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
See Saw
(Original title)
See Saw
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes