'Anna' i wampir_peliplat
'Anna' i wampir_peliplat
Play trailer

'Anna' i wampir (1982)

None | Poland | Polish | 92 min
Directed by: Janusz Kidawa

Silesia in Poland, late 60s. Bodies of viciously murdered women are found in secluded locations at an alarmingly increasing rate, their deaths always preceded by heavy fog. A tired, increasingly disillusioned investigator is tasked with facing a phenomenon hitherto unknown in the annals of Polish crime - the serial lust murder. The film recounts the story of Operation "Anna", the manhunt for Zdzislaw Marchwicki, the most notorious serial killer in Poland's history, told from the perspective and with the participation of the real investigators who had apprehended him, filmed at the actual crime scenes, with the use of photographs, video and evidence taken directly from the investigation's files.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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