Heart's Atlantis_peliplat
Heart's Atlantis_peliplat

Heart's Atlantis (2008)

None | Australia | English | 10 min
Directed by: Drew Macdonald

Heart's Atlantis opens with Daniel, a blue-eyed blonde haired 10-year-old boy, sitting beside a pool. He is watching the moonlight glisten playfully off the water's surface. But he does not smile. His eyes don't sparkle like a regular kid. They hold a weight of sorrow beyond his few years. The next day Daniel returns to the pool. However, this time he notices a ripple in the surface. Then a splash. He finds a Mermaid swimming around below. Eventually she lures him into the water with an enchanting astral song and before Daniel knows what has happened he is swimming in an underwater wonder world hand in hand with a Mermaid. Light refracts of the surface creating a kaleidoscope of color on the world of wonder below. And for the first time Daniel smiles a smile of pure joy. But slowly Daniels air begins to fade. He wants to return to the surface but there is something about the Mermaid that makes him want to stay, something about her and this world that he just can not leave behind, afraid that he'll lose it forever. This is the pool that his mother drowned in. This is the pool that will become Daniels tomb unless he can let her memory go. Daniel must choose whether to endure the road of suffering and live or to join his mother in a watery grave, he must choose whether to sink or swim.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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