Underground Dance Masters: Final History of a Forgotten Era_peliplat

Underground Dance Masters: Final History of a Forgotten Era (2015)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English, French | 82 min
Directed by: Thomas Guzman-Sanchez

After a 22 year ordeal this breakthrough documentary has finally been completed. Tracing for the first time the entire origin, evolution, diaspora, history and innovators of the forms that make up Urban Street Dance, which the world now refers to as break dance or hip-hop dance. The film, based on the book "Underground Dance Masters: final History of a Forgotten Era (Praeger 2012) has evolved into a 82 minute documentary. It has become the definitive study on important cultural developments that have affected Pop Culture. The final film boldly uncovers the truth about urban dance and the origins of a world-wide phenomenon. A dance pioneer and now an academically recognized Urban Dance historian and anthropologist, director Thomas Guzman-Sanchez culls and mines the exciting foundations of these American art forms that came from a unique collective of Urban Dance artists. The film takes the viewer on a journey of discovery and uncovers the creators and innovator of Boogalooing, Locking, Cross-over Locking Popping, Zig-Zag, Roboting, Rocking and B-boying. It is filled with rich historic, never before seen footage stretching back to 1965. Combined with interviews with the dance innovators along with Choreographer Kenny Ortega. The film uncovers not only the beginning of these dance forms but the lives of the multi-racial dance artists and how their creations have to spread the magic world-wide.

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Release Date
(DVD premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Underground Dance Masters: Final History of a Forgotten Era
(Original title)
Underground Dance Masters: Final History of a Forgotten Era
Underground Dance Masters: Final History of a Forgotten Era
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes