Twins by Surprise_peliplat

Twins by Surprise (2009)

None | USA | English | 60 min
Directed by: Jeffrey R. Daniels

Women who thought there were going to give birth to one child, but actually gave birth to two. Meet a woman who desired a home birth, never had an ultrasound and only gained 25-pounds. When she went to the hospital to deliver on the advice of her midwife, she gave birth to a girl. 4 minutes later, when she began pushing to remove the placenta, something did not feel right. The doctor took a peek and saw a second baby who was breech. To everyone's shock, she then delivered a second girl. When a woman returns home from a family reunion, she goes into labor earlier than expected. Her midwife assists her, but still the baby won't come out. They decide to fill the bathtub with water, and when she gets in her water breaks - and she delivers a girl! She feels the urge to push again, and 30 minutes later she delivers another child - this time it's a boy! During a routine exam, an obstetrician suspects that a baby could be breach, and does a full body X-ray of the woman. The X-ray confirms the problem, but also delivers another surprise: she's carrying twins! The next day, contractions start and doctors perform an emergency C-section for fear that the umbilical cord of one baby would choke the other. Happily, two healthy baby boys arrive 2 minutes apart. While waiting for her partner to come home, a mother of three readies for her fourth child. After only a few contractions, little baby feet come out first and she delivers the child breech. Moments later, the contractions return and her water breaks again. To her surprise a second baby comes out - feet first again! It's another baby girl.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Twins by Surprise
(Original title)
Twins by Surprise
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes