Dhauli Express_peliplat

Dhauli Express (2007)

U (IN) | India | Odia |
Directed by: Chittaranjan Tripathy

Dhauli Express portrays the present youth whose aspiration, when not supported by his family due to problems of poverty & unemployment joins the bad world of crime to earn more. Dhauli (Samresh), Son of Dibakar Das (Mihir Das), who is a post man. Dhauli aspires to be a singer & works hard towards achieving his dream. This gives augment to a divergence between the son & the father, who has a desire that his son should take interest in government job. He promises Tila ( Anu Choudhury), his childhood sweetheart that he would get married to her, once his song is aired on radio. The day comes when Dhauli takes the first step towards fulfilling his aim when his song is broadcasted on radio. But the same day also sees him leaving his dream unfulfilled midway & going to wilderness of the crime world. Disturbed & brokenhearted Dhauli leaves the house and joins underworld don Jaga Bhai (Siddhant Mahapatara to earn money along with his two close friends Hari & Akshaya . They board the train Dhauli Express to enter the gloomy world of crime. Instead of sticking by his promises, Jaga Bhai betrays Dhauli and his friends time and again. A frustrated Dhauli then has no choice other than to kill Jaga Bhai. His friends become the victims of the police bullet while he gets nabbed by the police & this news shatters his parents. His mother dies while his father remains in a state of shock making him mentally disturbed. In such a situation Tila takes care of Dhauli's father & his house. After spending his term in the jail, coincidentally, he boards the same train back home and gets shocked by seeing his mentally disturbed father in the train, searching for him. On their return to the village, Tila asks Dhauli to start singing again & his father supports him by giving back him his guitar. An emotional Dhauli, resumes to achieve his unfulfilled dreams by adding tunes to the strings of his broken guitar.

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Dhauli Express
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes