Mala influencia
Female teacher closing the door
Culpa Tuya
Beauty in Black
Mufasa: The Lion King
Barriga de Aluguel
Snow White
Love Happens
Deadpool & Wolverine
The rag-tag crew of world famous TV news show 31 Minutos goes into the sea to a mistery island to rescue their beloved producer Juanin Juan Harry.
Alvaro Díaz
Pedro Peirano
Tulio Triviño (voice)
Juan Carlos Bodoque (voice)
Rodrigo Salinas
Juanín Juan Harry (voice)
Daniel Castro
Tío Pelado (voice)
Pinocchio 3000
Teo, cazador intergaláctico
Capture the Flag
Donkey Xote
El ratón Pérez
Mocland - A super space adventure
Tombatossals, la leyenda
El ratón Pérez 2
Condorito: The Movie
Dragon Guardians
Pulentos, la película
Huevos: Little Rooster's Egg-cellent Adventure
The Stone Boy
Little Eggs: An African Rescue
A Movie of Eggs
Top Cat Begins
The Legend of Chupacabras
The Princess and the Magic Mirror
The Legend of the Mummies of Guanajuato
Legend Quest: The Legend of La Nahuala
Lila's Book
Los Superhéroes de la Mediación
Willy Fog en viaje al centro de la Tierra
Tad the Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet
The Gnomes Great Adventure
Willy Fog en 20.000 leguas de viaje submarino
Nahuel and the Magic Book
Protegiendo los sueños de Sol
Buffalo Kids
El Cid: The Legend
Turu, the Wacky Hen
Wizard Grandpa Stories
Kata Maaf Terakhir
Eyes Like Yours
Brisbane Bandits TV