Cindy are Kelly are topless on the beach. Their thong bottoms show off much of their bare rear.
Cindy, Kelly, Tori, Amber, and Julie are seen topless several times sunning near a pool. Jake is in one scene with the topless women. Chad, Joe, and Jack are with them in another scene. One of the women seen in the shower, another is in a bubble bath and steps out, both seen full frontal.
Kelly and Jay make out, her top is removed and breasts exposed. In a later scene they are in a pool, he is shirtless, he removes her top exposing her breasts.
Tori and Chad make out in a pool, he is shirtless, she is topless and shows partial breasts, most of her rear is exposed in her thong bottom.
Amber and Joe make out, he is shirtless, most of her rear is seen in her thong bottom. He removes her top, exposing her breasts.
Jake and Cindy make out, her lowers her top exposing her breasts.
Julie and Jack seen in a photograph in bed, he's shirtless, she's topless with exposed breasts.