Chicken Chicken_peliplat

Chicken Chicken (2009)

None | USA | English | 30 min
Directed by: Natiya Guin

"Chicken Chicken" is the story of two brothers who were left alone after the sudden death of their parents. Richie was a senior and Mikey was entering his freshman year of high school. Both boys too old for adoption and without any close relatives, end up looking after themselves. Twelve years later, Richie early 30's, the responsible and reliable of the two brothers, still looks after Mikey, early to mid 20's, who is careless, irresponsible, has a major daydreaming problem and is the poster child for immaturity. Richie is your stereotypical alpha-male who can get any girl he wants. Though he doesn't show it, he is extremely protective of his little brother but still brags about the women he gets. Mikey, jealous of this responds with crude humor and practical jokes. Richie is the head chef for an upscale catering company and after pulling some major strings, was able to get Mikey a job after he graduated from high school as one of the servers. Stevie, flamboyant gay man, early 40's and owner of the catering company, is looking for a reason to fire Mikey. He steals food and kitchen supplies from work that he gives to his best friend, Pete, early 40's who is a homeless man that lives behind his apartment building. Stevie knows about the stealing but because Richie is such an amazing chef, he puts up with it. After one of Mikey's daydreams, which are always about random women, carelessly serves meat to a vegetarian thinking it was soy meat. Stevie has no choice but to fire them. Mikey wants to open a catering company of their own but Richie is hesitant to do anything with his brother.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Chicken Chicken
(Original title)
Chicken Chicken
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes