Life Lines: Before His Last Breath_peliplat
Life Lines: Before His Last Breath_peliplat

Life Lines: Before His Last Breath (2009)

None | USA | English | 78 min
Directed by: Emiliano Styles

When a young, depressed writer, Tariq Phoenix becomes distraught with his career endeavors he soon becomes on the verge of suicide. He wants to be the exemplary example of the notion that 'you're nobody until somebody kills you'. Before he takes his own life, he decides to write a suicide note. It is not the typical suicide note. It is a compilation document called "Life Lines" which showcases his best literary pieces that touch on the issues of faith, religious commercialization, post-war syndrome, relationships, health awareness, and mis-education. As his best four short stories are compiled, we experience them in first-hand short films. The first short film, "Dog Tags", is story of the startling self-realization of Justin Stokes, a purple heart U.S. soldier returning home after serving four years in Iraq. The second short, "Lord Have Mercy", tells about a life changing encounter that a Pastor Watkins and college church member Mary have on the way home from Bible study one unforgettable night after discussing their faith. The third short movie, "The Tragedy of Her", explores a intricate romance between a couple simply known as Man and Woman as an unexpected sickness challenges the strength of their relationship. The final short, "Destination: Escapism", is a darkly desperate tale of Tariq's alternate reality as he attempts to redeem himself from past life altering mistakes by implementing a twisted plan for the future. After, Tariq finishes writing "Life Lines", a race against time ensues before his eminent death. Will Tariq commit suicide before his girlfriend Imani can persuade him to do otherwise?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Life Lines: Before His Last Breath
(Original title)
Life Lines: Before His Last Breath
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes