Innocent Crimes_peliplat

Innocent Crimes (2011)

12A (GB) | UK | English | 97 min
Directed by: Jonathan Green

Farley is a simple accountant, a shy man, with an overbearing mother and a rotund abusive boss. One night, in the heat of the moment, parked on the street a strange figure emerges from the shadows, running, exhausted in a panic. This shadow is a man, he offers Farley money in exchange for a quick getaway, Farley within his moral malaise is filled with adrenalin and helps the man escape. In an exotic, sultry bar that night Farley has his first taste of another world, an alien yet alluring dangerous world with woman, booze and jazz. Farley bonds with the running convict called Charles Wells and they start the beginning of a beautiful friendship. With his job overwhelming him by day and his mother patronizing him by night, he sees Charles as a welcome escape in the world, a man of mystery an enigma who listens to Farley. But before long this simple friendship becomes something a little more dangerous. We see Charles break into random houses for the buzz, for the thrill, to philosophize and help people out of there mundane lives. Farley gets swept up this and becomes intoxicated by Charles personality. He changes his clothes to mirror Charles. Soon Farley is smoking and drinking, and talking like Charles. Farley has found his foil, his mentor, a father figure, but he wants more, he wants love. Chasing a woman one night, Charles seems threatened by Farley's adolescent attempts to find love. He will stop at nothing to allow their friendship to flourish, even murder. Farley soon realizes that he is caught in an invisible trap of guilt, doubt and deception. He has to get out before its too late, he has everything on the line, his reputation, his family, his soul.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Raindance Film Festival)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Innocent Crimes
(Original title)
Innocent Crimes
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes