Never Say I do..._peliplat

Never Say I do... (2005)

None | USA | English | 95 min
Directed by: Brandon Garet Roth Anderson

Pastor Doug Douglas is neither a minister nor a man of God. He is however a Ladies Man. A man to three ladies to be exact. There is the future Baby-Mama, Kady, Pastor's former roommate, now pregnant with his first child. Then Charlie, the out-of-state high school sweetheart turned last option fiancée. And finally Bambi, the nymphomaniac bed buddy with a crazed ex named Jack, always stalking outside in her shrubbery. What makes Pastor's situation even the more outrageous is his blatant honesty. Each one of his women knows about the other and is absolutely content with their respected role in his life. This seemingly absurd notion attracts a devious French documentarian named Renauld and his crew of foreign misfits, whom are shooting a documentary about intimate relationships in America. Finding himself obsessed with Pastor's own love-story, Renauld focuses all his resources and attention to his ongoing love-life and sees a golden opportunity to exploit and make him choose, on camera, between the three women. He even recruits Jack as a wildcard to speed up this process, in exchange to help patch things up with Bambi. This scheming makes Renauld not only a part of his own artificial love-story but the vindictive narrative for Pastor's now troubled relationships and ultimately his questionable future.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Never Say I do...
(Original title)
Never Say I do...
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes