
Periphery (2024)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Matt Gulbranson, Victor Trippodo
This title has not premiered yet

Leanne Cross is a elderly homemaker living in Vidalia, Georgia, who started living with her son, Randy, and her grandson, Benjamin, after Randy's wife Felicia left him to pursue a modeling career. Randy, now a single dad, spends his days teaching high school biology and coaching the local baseball team where is so Randy is the ace pitcher. Randy has immersed himself in Benjamin's baseball career to ensure he reaches his full potential and makes it to the major leagues. Randy once had dreams of baseball glory but they were cut short by a knee injury and he does not want the same thing happen to Ben. Randy's girlfriend, Vi Warner, is the owner of the local diner and she also wants to see Benjamin succeed, but she's getting tired of Randy's fear of commitment. After Randy's mom Leanne is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and learns that she only has a few months to live, she refuses cancer treatment and hires an attractive, solitary, live-in hospice nurse, Teresa Rowe. Randy is upset about his mother's decision to refuse treatment but he respects her choice and soon is smitten with Teresa. After Leanne makes amends with her ex-husband Noah, who apologizes for his philandering during their marriage, Leanne tries to set Randy and Teresa up on a date. When Vi finds out about this she confronts Randy by stripping naked in front of everyone at the town fair and demands that Randy sees her for who she really is and come to terms with his true feelings. It's an event that galvanizes the town and gives Leanne what she wanted all along - secure love and happiness for her son Randy, and a stable, loving family for Benjamin. What no one knows is that everything, in actuality, is part of Leanne's master plan to tie up loose ends before she passes on. In the end Leanne dies a peaceful death knowing that her family will be able to go on with fulfilling lives without her.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes