The Job Interview_peliplat

The Job Interview

None | 95 min
Directed by: Kevin Porter
This title has not premiered yet

Amidst the socio-economic downfall of a not too distant future, Rebecca Rosenthall, a young, single mother, and her daughter Dakota, are just trying to survive in their violently destitute sector of Los Angeles. But, in this city where the "have nots" will murder you on the street for the change in your pocket without thinking twice, just surviving is not enough. Dakota is sick, the money left by Rebecca's late husband is gone, and if Rebecca does not find a source of income fast her daughter's sickness may become terminal. After acing an interview with the mysterious Aegis Corporation, and in hopes of turning her life around, Rebecca accepts a position as part of the company's research division. This position finds Rebecca unexpectedly placed inside of a Quarantine, a detention colony for felons and the criminally insane, along with a group of others and instructions to find the missing Aegis scientist, Andrew Warren. However, Andrew is no ordinary scientist or fugitive, and is bent on exposing the company's use of human subjects for viral weapons testing. Discovering she is an unwitting carrier for a deadly virus that turns those infected into homicidal killers, Rebecca's very survival depends on obtaining an antidote to the virus from Andrew Warren, before the virus purges itself from its host and kills Rebecca in the process; a deal he will only make if she helps him expose and take down Aegis.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Job Interview
(Original title)
The Job Interview
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes