Masters of American Music, Vol. 4: The Story of Jazz_peliplat

Masters of American Music, Vol. 4: The Story of Jazz (1994)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 97 min
Directed by: Matthew Seig

Limited Edition in special packaging! The Story of Jazz puts the crown on the "Masters of American Music" series. As entertaining as it is informative, it is a seamless array of performances, comments, and compelling historic insight. This colourful tale of cross-cultural influences that produced a constantly evolving and enduring music is a rich 97-minute weave of sounds, rare film clips, stills and interviews. Never before have the filmed comments of so many important jazz artists been assembled for one project, and never before has the history of jazz been told as vividly and with such attention to historic detail. Masters of American Music is an award-winning television series - as entertaining as it is educational and memorable - that celebrate a pantheon of the greatest innovators in Jazz. Individual programmes trace the lives and works of master musicians who defined the course of America's classical music. From its birth in New Orleans, to swing, the big bands, bebop, free Jazz and beyond - all of it is explored with sensitivity and in unique depth. Over 80 interviews were filmed in the making of the series. Featured artists come to life through these interviews, exciting rare performances, period footage and vintage photographs meticulously reproduced. Both the video and audio content has been restored and remastered in accordance with state-of-the-art specifications.

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Masters of American Music, Vol. 4: The Story of Jazz
(Original title)
Masters of American Music, Vol. 4: The Story of Jazz
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes