Planet USA_peliplat

Planet USA (2013)

16 (DE) | Austria | German | 107 min
Directed by: Flo Lackner

Planet Earth. USA. 2015. The natural oil resources are running out. The hatred between East and West has spread like a plague all over the world. The planet is on the brink of World War III. Major George Conrad, an obsessive war veteran and a patriotic chauvinist, is on a top secret mission to save the world. By the order of the former President of the United States, Conrad leads an elite commando unit, a crazy bunch of extraordinary talents. Their destination: Moon. Their orders: Drill for oil. Two filthy rich sheikh brothers have formed an alliance with the Americans and are financing the mission. After all, a pipeline from the moon to Earth will cost a lot of money... But none of the parties is who they seem to be and just as this "peace- keeping mission" reaches its peak, everything spins out of control... Before creating the story, the writers Flo Lackner and Jennifer Rezny agreed on the following principles: - Never think about the non-existent budget. - Political correctness is not only boring, but also hypocritical. - In short: No compromises whatsoever! Finally the 100-minute action satire was shot in over 100 days, by a small crew of usually not more than five men and women. The entire crew, as well as the cast and the voice artists had a strong conviction and a lot of fun, even without getting a fee. With tenacity, passion and a bit of luck, director Flo Lackner was granted unique shooting permits and the crew was able to film on stunning locations, some of them never before seen in feature films. Flo received extraordinary support for his debut feature film for Filmschool Vienna, the Austrian Armed Forces provided a real Black Hawk helicopter, while the team of Stunts Universal ("Troy", "Kingdom of Heaven") made finest explosions.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Planet USA
(Original title)
Planet USA
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes