A dead bear is seen on the ground briefly. It's belived it was poached. No blood is visible.
Another dead bear is seen being "planted", no blood or anything. The bear is then shot with a gun to make it look like it was poached. Nothing comes out of the bear on impact.
It's implied that the trolls ate german tourists.
Skinned troll-tails are briefly seen in a camping wagon.
Dissembered sheep carcases are briefly seen under a bridge. Blood and chuncks of meat is seen.
Sheeps and goats are used as bate. A troll then takes one of them and drags it under a bridge. The troll is then briefly seen (in nightvision) eating of the sheep and slamming it to the ground. No blood is seen though and it is from a distance. The most graphic about this scene is the sound effect of dripping blood and bone crushing.
Blood is seen geting splattered on the ground as bate. This is seen for a long time.
A man is slammed into a wall, he survives though.
A troll is suddenly killed offscreen. It explodes and blood and chunks is seen splattering on-screen and it covers the camera-lens. Graphic but brief.
When the group escapes from a trollcave, Hans kills all the trolls with a UVB raygun.
Only one of them is killed onscreen. Unlike the other one who exploded, this one explodes in only a smokecloud. It's implied he killed all but they where all offscreen.
A man is briefly seen with healed scars covering his body. This is actually disturbing, but it's brief and sudden.
The Jotne (The largest troll, maybe 100 m. tall) is shot in the stomach with a sort of raygun. He is seen briefly glowing inside when he get's frozen to stone. He collapses and gets broken right after.
A man is seen with blood on his face.