The Girl in the White Coat_peliplat

The Girl in the White Coat (2011)

None | Canada | English | 113 min
Directed by: Darrell Wasyk

When a harsh winter begins, Elise, an impoverished middle-aged factory worker, notices that her old coat is in desperate need of repairing. She manages to save enough money to take it to a local tailor, who is more than happy to accommodate her, reawakening his own lost passion in the art of tailoring. Upon returning to the Shop, several days later, to claim her coat, Elise is unable to get it from the clutches of the tailor's wife, who feels that she, herself, is being taken advantage of, due to her husbands own gratuitous generosity. The following work day, Elise is greeted with an unexpected increase in her annual bonus, and is finally able to rescue her precious coat, and in celebration of her new found fortune, she treats herself to a cafe au lait and a sugar tart, at a nearby café. But while leaving her coat on the back of the chair, it's once again snatched away from her. Out in the front of the Cafe, Elise chases a young girl wearing what she thinks is her stolen coat, only to find out later, that it isn't. An address and time is scribbled on a piece of paper, and is shoved in one of the pockets. Hoping to meet the young girl to give her coat back she falls into a situation of mistaken identities and falls victim that eventually leads to her demise.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Girl in the White Coat
(Original title)
La fille au manteau blanc
Canada (French title) (alternative title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes