Emerson: Pictures of an Exhibitionist_peliplat

Emerson: Pictures of an Exhibitionist

None | Canada | English |
Directed by: Jason Woodford
This title has not premiered yet

Keyboard legend Keith Emerson emerged from the thriving rock scene of the sixties and seventies,Fusing rock 'n' roll with classical, jazz, and world music to lay the foundations of progressive rock,setting the standard by which others are judged. With Greg Lake and Carl Palmer, he formed the hugely successful Emerson, Lake and Palmer, who, between 1970 and 1977, released six platinum albums. This is his official documentary of his extended autobiography with interviews featuring many of the characters from his published autobiography and more as he does what he loves most living his life through his music. Now in this insightful and irreverent memoir,from his classmates to his music teacher to fellow band members and roadies we hear about the uproarious tales of life on the road, tales of the high lifestyle that goes with being a rock star, and of course, tales of the outrageous, barrier-shattering music he is still producing.This is the show that never ends as he re-kindles the past and adds to the future with his creative and groundbreaking music including the 40th ELP Re-union in London UK July 2010.

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Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Emerson: Pictures of an Exhibitionist
(Original title)
Emerson: Pictures of an Exhibitionist
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes