Orla Fallon's My Land_peliplat

Orla Fallon's My Land (2011)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 60 min
Directed by: Dennis Rosenblatt

Join the talented and radiant Órla Fallon on a heartfelt musical pilgrimage through her beloved Ireland. Órla Fallon's My Land celebrates the people and the landscapes of the Emerald Isle, and revels in the beautiful music they inspire. My Land is the show that Órla always wanted to make. Shot live and in concert at the historic 17th-century Royal Hospital Kilmainham in Dublin, My Land includes Órla's stirring solo renditions of Irish and American classics, and also features performances by the legendary Dubliners, the Dublin Gospel Choir, and a special appearance by the influential Irish singer/songwriter Damien Dempsey. Órla's television audience gets to journey with her outside the walls of the concert hall, on a pilgrimage across Ireland, from the craggy cliffs of Moher in the west to the green coasts of the north, to the pubs, villages, rivers, meadows, and historic sites that make Órla's native land so enchanting. My Land features classic Irish songs near and dear to Órla, including: "The Isle of Innisfree," Spanish Lady," "Mo Ghile Mear" and "Ni Na La" as well as the American classics "Morning Has Broken" and "Both Sides Now." Órla Fallon's My Land is a perfect way for Irish-Americans and Americans of all backgrounds to celebrate March, St. Patrick's Day, and the return of Spring. A gifted singer and master of the Irish harp, Órla Fallon has been well known to public television audiences since her days with the group Celtic Woman, which has sold over 5 million records worldwide. She grew up in the picturesque Irish village of Knockenanna, where her grandmother instilled in her an early love of traditional Irish music. Her career has taken her around the globe, to perform for Presidents and Popes. Órla has been seen on public television over 14,000 times and, in 2010, she recorded the hit public television show Órla Fallon's Celtic Christmas.

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Orla Fallon's My Land
(Original title)
Orla Fallon's My Land
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes