Weihnachten... ohne mich, mein Schatz!_peliplat
Weihnachten... ohne mich, mein Schatz!_peliplat

Weihnachten... ohne mich, mein Schatz! (2012)

A (NO) | Germany | German | 85 min
Directed by: Dennis Satin

After almost 30 years of marriage, which Johanna Welser spent as a good wife, mother, and homemaker at her husband Ruprecht's side, the measure is full: Not only does the successful Hamburg architect forget his wife at the airport taxi rank when they return from a holiday trip together, he also shows no remorse and is only interested in getting an important construction project to be awarded in time. Johanna, however, refuses to accompany him to the prestigious event, instead remaining seated in the taxi and letting herself be whisked off into the night by astonished young driver Ellie Pietschek. It will be a journey into another world for her because the chaotic Ellie quickly realizes that this high-society lady desperately needs a little emotional support. So she offers Johanna temporary asylum. While the angry Ruprecht has his wife's credit cards blocked at home, Johanna wakes up in Ellie's apartment: part of a harbor house in a former working-class district, where the taxi driver lives as a single mother with two growing children. Johanna is fascinated by Ellie's unconventional lifestyle and spontaneously offers her help when she learns that the residents should leave the old house before the upcoming Christmas holidays because of a dodgy eviction complaint. The two new friends use a trick to prevent the planned demolition. But they didn't expect sly property speculator Ramona Heyer, who is doing everything possible to erect a modern building complex on the port area. Then Johanna finds out who, as the architect, is responsible for implementing these plans. Well, then--Merry Christmas.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Weihnachten... ohne mich, mein Schatz!
(Original title)
Jul, det bliver uden mig
Denmark (alternative title)
Weihnachten... ohne mich, mein Schatz!
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes