Second Time Around_peliplat

Second Time Around

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Carlos Etzio Roman
This title has not premiered yet

A prominent criminal attorney is killed during a trial, by his own client, leaving behind his wife and 13 year old son. His law firm business partner and childhood best friend gets charged and convicted with plotting the killing with the client. Two years later, the wife remarries, unfortunately to an abusive, powerful politician. As her child turns 17, he witnesses another drunken beating of his mother by his step father, he tries to help her, making the stepfather turn on him and proceed to beat him mercilessly as the mother watches in horror. The mother runs to the closet, retrieves a gun and comes back to see the stepfather sitting on top of the kid, hitting his head on the bare floor. She shoots the husband multiple times, killing him. Her son is taken to a trauma center, where he remains in a coma. She gets arrested and charged with murder, by the same prosecutor who witnessed her husband's murder in the courtroom and convicted the law firm partner. Unable to make bail, she's remanded to the city jail, to be given a public defender. The law firm partner, now out on probation and unable to practice law, visits the woman's son. The son awakens at the hospital and realizes his father is sharing his body. The boy convinces his mother of who he is and instructs her to ask the presiding judge at the preliminary hearing, to allow the boy to represent her, with the husband's friend as a consultant. The petition is granted with prejudice. It is understood that if the kid fails to provide proper representation, a public defender will be taking over. A web starts to untangle as the kid shows to court to represent his mother. Not only is he doing a great job at defending her but also at unraveling the mystery of his father's murder. As they approach the closing arguments, the father has been having a hard time remaining for extended periods of time in the boy's body. The boy is forced to complete his own closing arguments, not only to save his mother but to clear his father's friend from killing him and, to bring the real murderer to justice.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Second Time Around
(Original title)
Second Time Around
Second Time Around
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes