Yesterday's News_peliplat
Yesterday's News_peliplat

Yesterday's News (2011)

None | USA | English | 79 min
Directed by: Kelsey Hockmuller

Originally in production as Little Debbies, Yesterday's News is based on the book, Front Page Face-Off by Jo Whittemore, Yesterday's News takes Whittemore's characters away from the original middle school environment and into high school. The film is focused on Delilah James, lead reporter for the Brighton Bugle who dreams of becoming a Junior Global Journalist. Delilah's dreams are foiled when she is forced to share her lead reporter position with Ava Piquet, a French exchange student who steals Delilah's crush, Ben Hines - editor of the school paper. This is the first feature film by Producer and Screenwriter Zoe Dahmen and award-winning Director Kelsey Hockmuller.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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