24 Hours - One Team. One Target._peliplat

24 Hours - One Team. One Target. (2011)

None | Germany | German, English | 104 min
Directed by: Tim Hahne

The 24-Hour Race at the Nuerburgring is known as the world's biggest motorsports event. More than 200,000 fans set up their camp in the Eifel forest and cheer for their heroes in the 210 race cars. Lap after lap. Hour after hour. Day and night. It's the stage for great stories. Sorrow and joy. Excitement and exertion. Drama and emotions. You will hardly find any event that brings the extremes this close together. In the thick of things, last year's winner BMW's two cars and 70 team members. For months, engineers, mechanics and the eight pilots have been preparing for the most important race of the year. The filmmakers Tim and Nick Hahne captured it all with their cameras - from the first test drive to the chequered flag coming down - and accompanied the BMW team on the way to achieving its goal: winning the 24-Hour Race. The filmmakers were able to gain unusual glimpses beneath the drivers' helmets and insights into the strategies to conquer the world's hardest long-distance race. The story is told up close, with compelling pictures. It turns race car drivers into actors. Their fascinating cars become their co-stars. The Nordschleife is the set. And the race over the course evolves into the plot of the film.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
24 Hours - One Team. One Target.
(Original title)
24 Hours - One Team. One Target.
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes