Juliana's Story_peliplat

Juliana's Story (2011)

None | Australia | English | 10 min
Directed by: Angelique Papadelias

Our famous international violinist Juliana Franco (Louise Woodward) gets struck down by a terminal illness. In total despair, she escapes the media frenzy and seeks solace in the mountains, where she grew up in the family home. She sits alone, contemplating her tragic circumstances and whether or not she will bare the mere fact that she will never play again. Her family have heard her terrible news through the tabloids and when her mother tries to call her, Juliana realizes quickly, that with the lack of reception, she is all alone to fight her own demons. In pain, she manages to pick her violin up and play her last song. No one can hear her caress the strings. Through her tears and her song, her childhood sweetheart, Adrian (Rory Pie), who is also back in the mountains after the recent tragic death of his wife (Sontaan Hopson) in a car accident, hears her music. He receives a call from her desperate concerned mother to save her, and he runs through the woods, following the music to find her. Is it too late to save her? This is a film highlighting one extremely talented musicians desire to live for her music but when it is taken away from her, she feels she has nothing left to give. Through her last song, you can feel her pain as you hear her soul crying out.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Juliana's Story
(Original title)
Juliana's Story
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes