Salt n' Pepper_peliplat

Salt n' Pepper (2011)

U (IN) | India | Malayalam | 118 min
Directed by: Aashiq Abu

Kalidasan (Lal) is a chronic bachelor working in the state Archaeological department and is a foodie. His only companion is his cook cum confidant Babu (Baburaj). Manu Raghav (Asif Ali) is Kalidasan's nephew and he comes to his uncle's place, while searching for a job. Kalidasan's boring life gets an altogether different twist with a wrong call from Maya (Shweta Menon), a spinster who is a dubbing artiste, living as a paying guest with her friend Meenakshi (Mythili). It all starts when Maya dials for a dosa and gets Kalidasan on line, instead of the food joint. As expected, the initial conversations between these two unusual characters create negative vibes and are peppered with choice abuses, but a long-distance romance develops because they have a similar interest-cooking and food. If Kalidasan is a born foodie, Maya is reaching for her late mother by indulging in culinary activities which evoke a sense of deep nostalgia in her. Having struck up an affinity over the telephone, Kalidasan proceeds to let Maya into the secrets of baking a Joan's Rainbow Cake. The plot develops naturally as their conversations help to etch their characters. They both get the jitters before their first personal meeting and become conscious of their physical appearances. So, they send younger and better looking substitutes for the meeting in the form of Manu and Meenakshi. This creates misunderstandings, confusion and conflict which is resolved at the end.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Salt n' Pepper
(Original title)
Salt n' Pepper
India (English title)
Salt n' Pepper
India (Hindi title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes