The film involves danger, threats, and a gloomy atmosphere.
Most violence is implied and unseen.
A neighbor is accidentally shot. The violence is offscreen, but when the neighbor is revealed, the corpse has some blood on it. Shots do not tend to linger on the body.
A man and a boy carry the body around in an old wheelbarrow. Shots of the body are few, but they do exist, three times in close up.
A boy gets a scratch on his face, but it's never addressed how this happens. During the whole film, there's a little dried blood on his face.
A man slips and hits his head on the wheelbarrow, creating a gash. Blood can be seen initially, though it is covered up with a handkerchief fairly quickly. The blood can sometimes be seen coming from beneath the handkerchief until he later removes it, revealing a very bloody head wound. He cleans it up, and carries a scar throughout the rest of the film.
Characters carry around shotguns throughout the entire film.
In a heated argument, a man points a rifle at another man and threatens his life.
A dead body is accidentally dumped out of the wheelbarrow and dragged across the road. No gore is seen or implied.
A dead deer is dragged across the ground, and two characters yell at each other. One threatens to cut the others tongue out.
A man is threatened with a knife and a gun, though neither are used. One of those characters threatens to kill a man's dog by cutting off his nose.
A man falls off a cliff.
A boy shoots at young men, and they return fire many times.
A man comes out in the night, screaming angrily and firing his gun in the air. He threatens to blow someone's head off (twice). The same man, totes a shotgun throughout the film.
A boy holds a corpse underwater.
A dead dog/coyote is seen in close up.
A boy is threatened with a knife to his neck, there is a gun fight of sorts, a vehicle crashes, a young man threatens another with a large knife while they stare each other down with guns.
A gunshot grazes a man's head. The initial hit is brief, but later he holds his bloody hand against his head.
A man is violently shot in the leg, and the initial carnage is seen for a moment.
A corpse is found in a creek.